You are invited to participate in a study conducted by the Centre for Western Sydney at Western Sydney University. This research is based on a recent review undertaken by the Centre on how to develop Greater Parramatta into a Global City. This consultation seeks to complement the report, by gathering community values, views, and visions for the future of the region. Participation in this study will provide you with the opportunity to share what you value in the Greater Parramatta region, what can be improved, and your concerns and priorities for its future. Your ideas will be heard by the NSW Government, with this research directly informing policies, planning and strategies that will shape Greater Parramatta’s future development.
The research is funded by NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet, and Western Sydney University. The data collected in this research will be owned by the Centre for Western Sydney, Western Sydney Univeristy.
This research will support the publication of a series of research materials on how to develop the Greater Parramatta region as a global city. This research seeks to capture community’s values, views and vision for the future of this region.