We want everyone who wishes to participate online to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding. This consultation portal is hosted by the
Engagement Hub software (“software”), owned by My Business App Pty. Ltd., on behalf of Western Sydney University’s Centre for Western Sydney .
In addition, we strive to meet the following legislative requirements:
Australia: Australian Human Rights Commission Act
Australia: Disability Discrimination Act
Canada: Canadian Charter on Rights and Freedom
Canada: Common Look and Feel Standards
European Union: European Convention on Human Rights
Ireland: Disability Act 2005
New Zealand: Web Accessibility Standard 1.0
United Kingdom: Equality Act 2010
United States: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
United States: Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
The software enables people of all abilities and native languages to access and participate on this consultation portal using all modern browsers and devices.
We continue to investigate additional functionality to enable this software to reach and sustain a Level AAA compliance.
If you are experiencing any accessibility issues with this consultation portal, please get in touch.
We'd like to hear from you in any of the following ways: